Round Robin

Want to enhance idea generation in group settings? Discover the power of Round Robin Brainstorming. Learn how this structured approach promotes equal participation, prevents dominance, and stimulates creative thinking. Get started with our free Round Robin worksheet PDF today!

Unlock Creative Potential with Round Robin Brainstorming


Learn how "round robin" technique promotes equal participation, diverse perspectives, and structured idea generation in group settings. Download our free Round Robin worksheet PDF to get started!

What is Round Robin brainstorming? 

Round robin brainstorming is a technique used to generate ideas or solutions in a group setting. It involves having each participant in the group take turns contributing an idea, going around the group in a circular or sequential fashion. The process continues until all participants have had an opportunity to share their ideas.

In round robin brainstorming, each participant has an equal chance to contribute without interruption or criticism from others. This approach encourages equal participation and ensures that everyone's ideas are heard and considered. It also helps to prevent one or a few dominant voices from overshadowing others in the group.

Round robin brainstorming can be effective in promoting diverse perspectives, encouraging collaboration, and stimulating creative thinking. It allows for a structured and organized approach to idea generation, ensuring that everyone's input is valued and incorporated into the discussion. This technique is often used in team meetings, workshops, and group problem-solving sessions to harness the collective intelligence and creativity of the group.

Steps for conducting a round robin

Begin at the top
Start with the first topic or idea to be discussed. This can be a specific problem or a proposed solution.

Rotate through each topic or idea
Allow each participant to take turns sharing their thoughts, suggestions, or feedback on the topic or idea. Go around the group in a sequential manner, giving everyone an opportunity to contribute.

Comment on likelihood of success
After each participant shares their input, provide feedback on the likelihood of success for that particular idea or solution.

Use green and red sticky notes
Use open sticky notes, alternating between green and red, to provide feedback. Green sticky notes represent positive feedback and reasons why the idea or solution has potential for success. Red sticky notes represent areas of concern or reasons why the idea or solution may not work.

Respond accordingly
When leaving feedback, respond based on the color of the sticky note you choose. If using a red sticky note, provide feedback on the challenges, limitations, or potential pitfalls of the idea or solution. If using a green sticky note, provide feedback on the strengths, benefits, or advantages of the idea or solution.

Be unbiased and honest
Provide unbiased feedback and opinions to consider new perspectives. Be honest in your assessment and share your stance on the given solution. This will contribute to the effectiveness of the round robin exercise and help explore different viewpoints.

By following these steps, round robin brainstorming with feedback can facilitate a structured and inclusive discussion, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of ideas and solutions.

What’s next?

Download our free Round Robin worksheet PDF to get started!

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